We have a few opportunities for helping out with research in the Dwyer lab! Most of them are field opportunities and we are very happy to discuss doing a senior thesis working with us.

Katie Dixon

I’m studying pathogen variation in Douglas fir tussock moths and I will be in Missoula, Montana for the Summer 2020. I perform transmission experiments in the field by putting infected caterpillars on contained branches and then exposing susceptible hosts to the infected foliage. I would like a few undergraduates to help me rear insects and execute the experiments in the field.

Will Koval

I’m studying how to make my hair as tall as possible. I’ll be based in Missoula Montana and doing field collections to assess within-season disease dynamics and spatial patterns.

Sophia Horigan

I’ll be studying the gypsy moth and the fungus and the virus in Michigan.

XOXO Dwyer Lab